Vision: Empower every child / individual on this planet through access to (free) education by using technology and thereby positively impact the world of us all

Mission: Building the future hybrid (on&offline) learning environment for kids in need

Education resources:






School resources






University resources




Project phase 1 - discovery of current use of technology in lower-middle-income and low-income countries (e.g. Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique): 


Currently, travelling through Africa to understand the current situation in schools here and showing teachers how they could use technology (e.g., free online software) to enable new learning opportunities for the kids.



More information about the project

*Disclaimer: First draft version/prototype (MVP) of the website to test in the schools I am currently visiting to see obstacles, challenges and opportunities that come with the use of free and open source education software/apps and of course the use of technology itself (Internet: access, speed; available devices: pc, laptop, tablet, smartphone; etc.)